Good morning Miss Nala, good morning.
Good morning Immanuel.
Your are looking very well this morning, Miss Nala.
Well after this night I’m feeling much better, thank you, Immanuel.
Good. Good.
Is everbody here?
Indeed, they are, yeah. Yes…They are all here for your Kittens, Miss Nala.
All five places are laid out?
All laid out as usual.
Sir Caleb?
Sir Caleb, yes, he’s sitting here this year, Miss Nala.
Admiral von Cody?
Admiral von Cody is sitting here, Miss Nala.
Mr. Chewbacca?
Mr. Chewbacca I put round here for you.
And my very dear friend, Mr. Charlie and Mrs. Cassiopeia?
On your right, as you requested, Miss Nala!
Thank you, Immanuel. You may now serve the wet food.
Let me introduce to the five glorious C-Cats of the Abrahamschacht.